Road to Where?

Sanjna Labroo
May 31, 2024


Life is finite and the drama infinite

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels

Our life a blur
And we are full of unnecessary fire and stir

Our thinking warped, missing the core
Incessant hate and trolling, slush flows

Half of planet suffering is real and not a lore
Others live a life of plenty-drollery and flummery galore

Human consciousness gone to sleep and it snores
Earth a sorry looking landscape far from a happy green fur

World sundered by wars, calamities, and poverty- it’s frightfully sour
Perfected the art of dehumanizing, shamelessly we roar

With increase in cancel culture, othering, and slur
Disillusionment and strife creep in, limbs and eyes sore

Unable to shake off that languor
Getting used to a slow burning world

Completely in the chokehold of selfishness, there’s no elixir
The residue of life remains, despair for evermore

Thank you for reading!💚



Sanjna Labroo

Content Creator, Nature Lover, Traveler & a Would be Philosopher.